World View Chart

Fri Aug 09 2024

WorldviewBelief about GodNature of RealityView of HumanityKey Figures
TheismGod is personally involved with humankind.Universe is divinely created and purposive, nature is controlled by God, history is linear.Humans are stewards of creation, created in God’s image.Homer, Virgil, C.S. Lewis, Tolkien
DeismGod was present but is no longer active.The world functions like a clock, created by God but now runs on its own.Humanity follows Judeo-Christian morality.Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson
RomanticismGod is identified with nature.Nature is idealized, truth and good are relative and changing.Humans are complex animals, driven by intuition.James Fenimore Cooper, Goethe
NaturalismGod is either uninterested or mean (if He exists).Reality is governed by impersonal natural laws, life is transient, truth is culture-conditioned.Humanity’s ultimate destination is death.Joseph Conrad, Stephen Crane
RealismNo God, no purpose or meaning in the universe.Reality is harsh, only measurable experiences are real, bad things happen to good people.Personality has no ultimate status, human rights are conditional.Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald
AbsurdismNo god, no need for one.Everything is disorganized, anarchy rules, there is no cosmic explanation.Indifference towards existence and deities.John Barth, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
ExistentialismGod is irrelevant, truth is relative.Reality is subjective and open to interpretation, leading to pessimism.Humans must create their own meaning.Albert Camus, Franz Kafka, Jean-Paul Sartre