John Bunyan Email

Tue Dec 12 2023

Kieran Klukas
Carrie Klukas

Dear Mr. Bunyan,
I really enjoyed your story, Pilgrim’s Progress! It is really cool how it is an allegory of the Christian walk and shows how life is not always easy, but ultimately God orchestrates all things for the good of those who love him. I hope that will write a sequel (about his wife and children maybe?)!

Your story teaches so much about distinguishing between the things that are and are not of God, which is a skill so vital to the Christian walk. Especially helpful to illustrating this is the use of names, you describe everything’s character and life with their names. My one qualm with your story is how many enter the road from other paths but are required to go through the gate but will not. I guess that if you think of the walk being different for each person and not static but dynamically shifting to that person’s life, then it makes more sense.

I hope that will continue to be in good health and that the damp will not affect you. Great your wife and children with a kiss. God’s grace be with you.