Martin Luther op-ed

Thu Nov 30 2023

Kieran Klukas
Carrie Klukas

To the Editor,
During these recent times, we have seen much consternation and confusion surrounding Father Martin’s nailing of the theses. I believe the points he has made beg investigating and, potentially, doing something about. The practice of selling indulgences has been going on for over 200 years now and continues to rob our poor of money needed to buy food for themselves and their children. Must we buy a piece of paper to avoid time spent in Purgatory? Isn’t our God more gracious than that? In Isiah chapter 43 verse 25 it says, ““I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” God is merciful and cares not for a piece of paper but rather the just condition of our hearts.

In the gospels, Jesus cleared the temple of the money changers and sellers, declaring, “Is not my Father’s house not a house of prayer? But you have turned into a den of robbers.” This seems to be applicable today, for our Church is indeed a den of robbers at times in respect to indulgences. Let us support Father Martin in his ministry and try to change our Church with the help of our Father in heaven.

Kieran Klukas