Crusader op-ed

Fri Nov 03 2023

Kieran Klukas
Carrie Klukas

Modern Language:

To the editor,

I am of the strong opinion that while the Crusades whip our men, women, and children into, seemingly, a wild frenzy of devotion toward God. It is as a whole detrimental toward our society and is, dare I say it, not conducted with the gravity and sincerity required of such a holy war. Our men attack our fellow brothers in Christ, and destroy the property and life of our cousins the Jews, while all the while failing to accomplish their simple goal. To fight God’s battle and free the holy land.

We have failed to hold the holy land and liberate its inhabitants for nary more than a handful of years. Meanwhile, we have emissaries from the east begging our help for teachers and priests of God. But still we do nothing and instead plunder our very neighbors, ostensibly in the name of the Lord. Is this right, brothers? Should we be violating the very principles that we fight for?

Kieran Klukas

Crusader Era Language:

To the Esteemed Editor,
With the utmost gravity and reverence, I beseech your noble readership to heed my fervent counsel. In the crucible of the Crusades, our valiant men, virtuous women, and innocent children are whipped into a fervor, a wild tempest of devotion to the Divine. Yet, I am moved to declare that this holy enterprise, as a whole, doth sow the seeds of detriment within our cherished society. Dare I, with humility, venture to declare that it lacks the gravitas and sincerity requisite for a war of such sacred import.

Alas, our gallant men, in their misguided ardor, turn their swords upon fellow brethren in Christ, ravaging the lives and property of our Jewish cousins, all the while falling short of their modest aim: to wage God’s battle and redeem the hallowed land from the clutches of infidels.

We have, for but a fleeting span of years, failed to maintain dominion over the sacred land and to secure the liberation of its inhabitants. Meanwhile, emissaries from the East beseech our aid in the nurturing of teachers and priests of the Almighty. Yet, we remain idle, pillaging our very neighbors ostensibly in the name of the Lord. I beseech thee, noble brethren, is this course of action righteous? Should we, the champions of faith, transgress the very principles we profess to uphold?

With the deepest respect and in humble service to our sacred cause, Kieran Klukas
The Honorable Custodian of Parchment and Pen