Lesson 34

Thu Jun 22 2023

Kieran Klukas

Exercise A.

  1. The teacher told the students about the presentations, the quizzes, the papers, and the final examination.
  2. Sissy looked at the man, because she thought that he appeared mysterious and that he wore an unusual jacket.
  3. But far below, in the deep, dark recesses of the cave, in the very bosom of the earth, we heard a plea and a cry for help.
  4. Freshman writing courses are designed to teach students how to use grammar properly and how to communicate ideas effectively.
  5. The proposed program for reducing waste is both sound for the environment and beneficial to the bottom line.

Exercise B.

  1. Julia is vacillating whether she should study medicine or study music.
  2. Turning the claws and hoofs of the bison into rattles and twisting its hair into rope were two ways the Indians made use of the large beasts.
  3. Homer’s Odyssey describes the journeys of Odysseus, his fights with giants, and his escapes from danger.
  4. The AAA offers its members helpful information on accommodations, weather conditions, and newly opened roads.
  5. The career counselor suggested that Thomas write out his personal goals, read some materials on choosing a profession, and taking a career interest test.
  6. Katherine is beautiful, with dark eyes and a quick temper.
  7. What kind of job would be appropriate for a person who enjoys boating, fishing, and diving?
  8. To play professional football, a man needs a rugged physique, a competitive spirit, and a great deal of courage.
  9. Captain Ezra is quiet, easygoing, and friendly.
  10. Optimism, determination, and problem-solving are three traits of a successful employee.