Lesson 32

Tue Jun 20 2023

Kieran Klukas

Exercise A:

  1. Young Goodman Brown decides to go for a walk in his hometown Salem following dinner.
  2. Goodman sees a stranger after entering the woods and meeting him realizes he is the Devil.
  3. The Devil remind Goodman Brown about the pack he entered into.
  4. Goodman Brown begins to have scruples about the pact and states that he comes from a noble line of Puritans, including his father and grandfather.
  5. Goodman Brown sees Goodwife Cloyse, who taught him the catechism, talking with the Devil.
  6. Goodman Brown never thought that his wife Faith would sell herself to the Devil but discovers her at a witch-meeting.
  7. Facing each other, illuminated by firelight, the couple were the last ones to give allegiance to the Devil.
  8. Goodman Brown, resisting the Devil taking him back to the edge of the forest, cries to Faith to look up to Heaven.
  9. After the witch meeting, Goodman Brown becomes a cynical man, trusting no one.