Lesson 30

Thu Jun 15 2023

Kieran Klukas

Exercise A:

  1. We know little about Cervantes’ life, but we do know that he wrote Don Quixote.
  2. When Cervantes was a soldier, he was wounded in the battle of Lepanto.
  3. Cervantes was held for a ransom by pirates, he was later released after the ransom was paid.
  4. His novel, Don Quixote, is world-famous and has contributed many words and expressions to our language.
  5. This satire, with a main character of a foolish old knight, has been translated into many languages.

Exercise B:

  1. Their lungs burning from the smoke, the firefighters continued into the burning house.
  2. The hallway, not yet touched by the fire, was found by a more experienced man.
  3. Eyes watering due to the irritating smoke, the other man brought the oxygen tank.
  4. At last, frightened and hiding under the bed, the missing family member, a little girl, was found by the firefighters.
  5. The window providing the fastest escape from the fiery house, the firefighters put an oxygen mask on her and left quickly.