Lesson 28

Tue Jun 13 2023

Kieran Klukas

Exercise A.

Vorpal, manxome, tumtum, uffish, whiffling, tulgey.

Exercise B.

  1. The nosy old neighbor telephoned the local high school when she saw us playing outdoors.
  2. While we took it to the red barn, the frightened white pig squealed at least twenty times.
  3. In spite of the stormy weather, Jack and I caught 20 large fish while on the leaky boat.
  4. Trekking across the treacherous mountains, the cold, hungry explorers reached El Dorado, a Spanish town.
  5. While my brother and I visit my uncle Jack’s plantation, we enjoy picking apples.
  6. Due to the floodwaters, the old wooden Little Creek bridge is closed.
  7. Proudly, Francis walked across the small stage to receive her reward of five hundred dollars.
  8. My second paper about Billy Budd had spelling and grammatical errors.
  9. Our next door neighbor played in three golf tournaments.
  10. The valuable antique desk was solid walnut with a leather top and used to belonged to my grandfather.