On Mythological Deities

Tue Dec 06 2022

Kieran Klukas
Carrie Klukas

Mythological gods and goddess act in mythology like humans most of the time, rather than the divine beings they are supposed to represent. There is a dichotomy between their actions and their divinity because they are myths created by humans to explain the world around them. The stark contrast between the biblical God of the bible and the gods of mythology demonstrates humans’ inability to fully comprehend God’s good nature. When humans try to create explanations for the world around them, they relegate the pieces of the world around them to a myriad of different deities because they can’t comprehend one God in charge of everything.

Humans have a fascination with explaining the world around them and have always been searching to understand, to control, the world around them. This need to understand stems from the creative and inquisitive attitude God has given us, and also from the brokenness and want to create our own explanations that were a result of the fall.
Humans develop a myriad of deities to explain the world because we in our minds can’t comprehend one deity orchestrating and maintaining all the complex, vast and interconnected world around us. The gods and deities we create in our image result in a shadow of the created image God has made us in. It’s like having a copy of the Mona Lisa made by an expert artist. The copy is good, but it’s still a copy of the original. Then a toddler makes a copy of the copy with crayons, and it only barely resembles the original.

Humans create gods and deities because we have rejected God, but still desperately want there to be a divine power to make sure our life will turn out correctly. The thought of no one watching over us and guiding our life is a scary one that we, as humans, have always feared. This fear has made us want to make a divine being watch over us, but it is never enough.

Divine beings or gods that we create as humans will always be flawed because they are a copy of a copy of the real thing. Humans will always want to understand and develop explanations for the world, and when we don’t have God, we will always come up with our own flawed explanations for the world around us. When we don’t have God, our minds and hearts will always stray from the truth and create our own gods in place of him.