4.6 Kingdom Fungi Biological Key

Fri Oct 14 2022

Kieran Klukas

  1. Kingdom Fungi - sexual reproduction - 2
    Kingdom Fungi - no sexual reproduction found - phylum Deuteromycota
  2. looks like Protozoa for most of life - phylum Myxomycota

Doesn’t looks like Protozoa for most of life - 3

  1. Spores have flagellum - phylum Chytridiomycota
    Spores don’t have flagellum - 4
  2. Forms spores on basidia - phylum Basidiomycota
    Doesn’t form spores on basidia - 5
  3. Forms spores on asci - phylum Ascomycota
    Forms spores where hyphae fuse - phylum Zygomycota