The Importance of Studying History

Thu Aug 18 2022

Kieran Klukas
Carrie Klukas
18th August, 2022

“If you don’t know history, … You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree” written by Michael Crichton. History teaches us about our past acts, writings, and civilizations, about our cities, our countries, and the world. It teaches us about the world’s assortment of people, languages, and cultures and enables us to comprehend the past and present. History is our heritage and legacy, if not taught and recorded it will be forgotten and we will commit the same mistakes that we have made in the past. History is essential to the understanding of our nations, and the earth, and the avoidance of past mistakes and oversights.

First, History should be taught to teach us about our countries. It gives us an appreciation for the founders of our countries and the actions that we have taken in the past. History lets us understand the culture of our country by teaching us how it originated. It gives us a deeper appreciation of others in our country both from the past and the present.
Second, History should be taught to teach us about the world. When we learn about the past we begin to understand modern politics and relations between countries. It lets us understand the culture of the countries and nations of the world by giving us insight into their past actions and doings. Allowing for more hopeful relations of peace.

Third, History should be taught so we avoid mistakes made in the past. It grants us the ability to build on the shoulders of the people that came before us and learn from the mistakes they have made and do differently. It also gives us a different perspective on issues that can help us to sympathize with others and make more reasonable decisions. It can allow us to be more intelligent in our conclusions and more compassionate to other people.

History teaches us about our nations, and the planet, and enables us to avoid missteps made in the past. History is a great teacher and resource to learn from, we should use it and not let it molder in a forgotten closet or basement. As Will Durant, an American writer, historian, and philosopher, once said, “History is an excellent teacher with few pupils.” Let us strive to be pupils of history and offer our world a better and brighter future.